Il capo dell’HMRC è deluso dall’inversione di marcia della linea di assistenza

di pppppppppppppppppd


  1. pppppppppppppppppd on

    To summarise Jim Harra’s thoughts on the subject, he’s disgusted that there was public outcry to shutting off tax helplines for a sizeable portion of the year. How dare the serfs revolt!

    He accuses the public of kneejerk reactions, and doesn’t believe they had time to digest and appreciate the brilliance in his suggestions of major cutbacks of the already understaffed disgrace that is HMRC.

  2. Left-Incident620 on

    That’s what happens when you get someone else to deal with your tax affairs. I can guarantee this douche has never had to try and get an answer to a complicated query on his already shitty helpline. 2 hours ut took me the other day, to get to someone human. Its a fucking disgrace, he’s a fucking disgrace.

  3. drsealks on

    Right, HMRC chief can go and eat some shit. Appreciate his input, though.

  4. Counter to everything I’ve read recently, I’ve always had a great experience when dealing with HMRC. They even called me the same day and had my issue resolved within 3 working days when I contacted them in March of this year.

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