Gruppo per il benessere degli animali del West Cork; Ieri sera i soccorsi hanno ricevuto una chiamata da qualcuno che è tornato a casa e ha trovato questo povero cane incatenato al cancello e sette piccoli cuccioli bagnati e infreddoliti con lei. Lei aveva saltato il cancello e avrebbe potuto impiccarsi perché non riusciva nemmeno a raggiungerli. Sono stati raccolti dai soccorsi e immediatamente nutriti, riscaldati e in un letto accogliente. La madre è pelle e ossa, non ha scheggiature e non abbiamo idea di chi sia stato. Se lo scopriamo verrà trasmesso alle autorità competenti. Chiunque abbia fatto questo e abbia avuto questo cane è crudele e non gli importa, ha preso un cane, non ha fatto le cose di base o castrato, le ha lasciato avere dei cuccioli e poi l’ha scaricata nell’umido e nel freddo. Foto della madre nei commenti. Non abbiamo più aggiunto la donazione Facebook ai post, ma il pulsante sulla pagina funziona ancora e abbiamo PayPal. Grazie mille a tutti per averci aiutato ad aiutare cani come questi. È Non capisco… perché non portarli a mezzo chilo e dire che li hai trovati? Guarda la dimensione della catena che ha al collo Link all’articolo su FB:

di Due-Ocelot7840


  1. TheStoicNihilist on

    The punishment isn’t severe enough for this kind of crime. You’d be looking at a fine of €250 to €500 for this. Less than the price of a pup if you were selling them.

  2. That is terrible,hopefully they will be OK. Lovely looking dog

  3. ketamemeaddict on

    Who’s claiming irish people are a nation of animal lovers?

  4. I always cringe at people calling themselves “animal lovers” that *cry* for dogs while eating pigs and cows’ flesh daily.

  5. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    Imagine what this person is really like inside, and what they would do if they could get away with it.

  6. Larrydog on

    But surely you know Lawrence, that they are a cruel and barbarous people.

  7. Alastor001 on

    People who can’t treat animals with basic empathy, can’t treat humans right either. They are rotten inside.

  8. Impossible-Jump-4277 on

    We are a nation of animal lovers that’s why as someone seen this it was reported and the animals were rescued immediately. It’s disgusting behaviour and I feel ok a par with child abuse.

    But but with your logic with your logic we’re a nation of child abusers, don’t confuse isolated incidents with a national sensibility 🙏🏼

  9. SassyBonassy on

    Ive said it before and ill say it again: any abuse you carry out on the vulnerable (children, elderly, incapacitated/disabled, animals) should be done to you.

    Let’s beat the shit out of you with a belt and throw you down the stairs. Let’s lock you in a tiny cage for years and starve you and then leave your emaciated body tied to a fence in the rain. After all that, THEN a prison sentence. Fucking arseholes.

  10. DM_me_ur_PPSN on

    What kind of sick degenerate abandons an animal by chaining it to a fence, never mind one that’s just had puppies.

    Fuck them.

  11. NoPraline4139 on

    A relative of mine has been actively working with a dog charity for a decade. The stories she tells me and the mountain they have to climb for animal welfare, I can assure you we are not a nation of animal lovers.

    Most dog pounds are bursting at the seams and have sadly had to resort to euthanasia so deal with the problem of overcrowding.

    However done this is a scumbag of the highest resort and I hope they suffer every day

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