Perché agli svedesi piacciono le tasse

di OSHA-Slingshot


  1. ducknator on

    To pay taxes and have a palpable and undeniable return on it. Most countries act like this is some kind of magic.

  2. Schnurzelburz on

    Someone once said that tax is the price we pay for civilisation. I like that, give me more of that civilisation.

  3. UrsaBeta on

    TLDR Swedens government works, yours doesn’t. Git gud noob.

  4. AttTankaRattArStorre on

    Okay, I’ll be the one to say it – Swedish people don’t like taxes, and the fact that A LOT of swedes disagree with whether or not we get what we pay for/anything at all has been a major political issue for many years now.

  5. Life-Active6608 on

    Because they get their taxes money worth’s in services to them for free back. Taxes are a monopolistic subscription scheme that works if done right.

  6. plaguedeliveryguy on

    Average non nordic moment being flabbergasted about people accepting high taxes

  7. Nibbled92 on

    Image of lady looking out the window of a train is a nice touch, considering trains is one of the things that does NOT work in Sweden

  8. Waste-Egg-3053 on

    Ah, some British media piece with cherry-picked testimonies of why we all love being taxed!

  9. High trust homogenous societets tolerate high taxes because of reciprocal altruism, now were not a high trust society anymore so logically more people should be in favor of lowering taxes and welfare drastically.

  10. MetaIIicat on

    Because civilized countries know that paying taxes brings a lot of perks in return? Just a wild guess…

  11. heartfeltblooddevil on

    I like when my taxes go for actually important things like healthcare, education, infrastructure and maintaining a welfare system, not when it goes towards useless art projects or as aid to kleptocracies in Africa or the middle east.

  12. Clever_Username_467 on

    Because they receive things like services in exchange for them, is the short answer.  That’s the main difference.

  13. Fine-Ad1380 on

    Taxes are civilization.

    Being anti-taxes is being a barbarian.

  14. DisclosedIntent on

    I misread the title as why Swedish people like Texas and I thought maybe they are fed up with the snow!

  15. dodgeunhappiness on

    Southern European countries screw on their citizens with high taxes and no existent service. To find out that politicians are not that evil or ugly antagonists, but really a mirror of their society. So, if the government it is shit is because the average you is a piece of shit.

  16. I would be happy about paying high taxes if in return I got good quality services such as extensive public transport and a decent healthcare system.

  17. I haven’t heared a single person say they like taxes in Sweden and ment it. 

    I’ve heard a rich socialist author say he likes to pay taxes, right before he was fined for not paying taxes correctly. 

  18. Previous_Set8110 on

    They hate rich people.
    They want to take money from the rich.

  19. Thunder_Beam on

    I guess it must be nice to have a tangible return on the taxes you pay, i wish it worked like that in Italy we have high taxes and shitty service instead

  20. bo33bo33 on

    Good thing that our tax money goes to bomb children in Gaza $

  21. Livid_Lifeguard_5001 on

    The swedish system has high taxes, but also alot of tax benefits.

    For example: Intrest rate withdrawal(withdraw your with up to 20% of your intrest rates if you have any)

    ROT/RUT: Up to 50 000 SEK per year, if you have contractors/builders over you can withdraw a certain amount on labour costs. It does also include cleaning services, etc.

    The ISK savings account, instead of paying 30% on your earnings of stocks, pay 1% yearly.

    Then some points i think is outrageous, for example income taxes is too high, tobacco tax is too high, earnings from property selling, etc.

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