I richiedenti asilo “si nascondono o fuggono in Irlanda” per evitare le detenzioni nel Regno Unito in Ruanda


di Codydoc4


  1. Honestly, I wasn’t convinced Rwanda would work as a deterrent and wondered if all these “migrants move to Ireland” stories were being exaggerated by the right leaning papers who needed it to look like a success.

    However if the Guardian are also reporting the same thing, and the Irish government are also flailing around and changing their tune about the influx after virtue signalling about how evil we are for the last few years, then I guess I have to admit I was wrong.

    Shame Sunaks one win has come far, far, too late for anyone to give him any props over it.

  2. MistyJohnstone on

    So Ireland are pissed they have been landed with them? Why don’t they deal with them and send them back to whichever eu country they originated in?
    No that’s not right it’s Britain’s fault isn’t it.

  3. The_Unstoppable_Egg on

    Fucking typical torygraph spin piece clearly written, funded and published by their conservative paymasters.

    Oh shit, this is The Guardian

    “This actually happened now” – This sub

  4. Calm_Error153 on

    >An Iranian Kurdish man who came to the UK 14 years ago said he did not understand how refugees could be sent to a country they did not come from.

    >“Originally I’m not coming from Rwanda. How can you send me to Rwanda? I don’t want to go to Rwanda,” he said. “Tell me how, what’s the reason?”


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