‘Il momento peggiore di sempre’ per i festival a causa del raddoppio dei costi


di BulkyAccident


  1. felix_culpa93 on

    They should also focus on fixing the captive economy issue. Download last year was extortion for even water. It put off some of my friends from going again.

  2. Emotional_Scale_8074 on

    I’d have thought covid was the worst time for festivals.

  3. spackysteve on

    Doesn’t really say how the costs have gone up. Labour, land rental, artists? Poor management of the festivals? Everything I guess.

    The ticket price needs to reflect how the cost has gone up. If people don’t want to pay for it then they won’t. Not up to the rest of us to subsidise it. Seems like specialist festivals catering to specific genres of music have die hard fans that will go regardless. If certain festivals aren’t popular any more then perhaps they aren’t needed.

  4. throwpayrollaway on

    There’s a lot of people talking about costs doubled in that article but no explanation why. Some stuff about people buying tickets last minute.

    Maybe the truth is that people have less disposable income to chuck away at getting royally ripped off for seeing third rate acts and paying £12 for a burger £8 for a tin of beer and sleeping in a tent.

  5. Mr_Mojo-_- on

    Just stop going, essentially stop allowing yourself to be exploited.. The prices are an absolute piss take nowadays, ESPECIALLY with food/drink costs once inside, that’s even more of a giant piss take, to say the least!. If enough people stopped going, they’d soon adjust their prices in time.. Solidarity people.. Screw these greedy fecks..

  6. bitofslapandpickle on

    Yet it feels like there are more festivals than ever.

  7. kahnindustries on

    Attending a festival sounds like hell on earth to me. I would pay not to go

  8. Careless_Speaker on

    Used to be you could get a day pass at some festivals, not anymore.

  9. Bluenose70 on

    Bearded Theory, a super-friendly lesser known gem of a festy is pretty good value for money imo (though even that is getting expensive alas)

  10. Voice_Still on

    The market for festivals is far too saturated, the quality of them has completely dropped off and the vibes feel commercialised.

  11. discographyA on

    As an expat I grew up in the age of radio station festival heyday (late 90s, early 00s). Still had a weekend of music but it was in a stadium and parking lots and you could sleep in your own bed at night. It was great, I’m still a decent distance away from 40 and know I’d still be a moaning old man at some of these camping oriented festivals.

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