I migranti illegali costano ai contribuenti 14 miliardi di sterline ogni anno, afferma l’ex ministro Dame Andrea Jenkyns


di Aggressive_Plates


  1. The_Goodstuff99 on

    The tories raping the country have cost us the country.

  2. Beginning_Sea6458 on

    Sounds like a lot until you Google “how much does the UK make in taxes 2022/23”

  3. djpolofish on

    Ah, more BS form the Tory Times

    The Tories decide to blow £14 billion every year to maintain the outrage instead undoing what they did that has caused the issue.

  4. R2-Scotia on

    Flights to Africa aren’t cheap with fuel prices these days

  5. 4me2knowit on

    She could get a job at the lottery pulling out random numbers

  6. thatsgossip on

    and how much a year does having a wasteful, corrupt, incompetent Tory government cost us? I’d wager a lot more…

  7. felix_culpa93 on

    I went to university with Andrea. She was in my seminars. See she hasn’t changed her ways, she’s become even more obnoxious.

  8. petethepool on

    How much do corporations not pay in taxes every year?

    These fuckers create a problem and then try and convince you they are the only people capable of offering the solution. 

  9. Icy_Collar_1072 on

    I’m sure this notorious liar will definitely be showing us the data for how she calculated this amount.

  10. absurditT on

    “And thanks to the Rwanda scheme, we intend to make this £15 billion every year.”

  11. zperlond on

    Well, at least schoolkids get a free lunch like in every developed country! Ohh wait, not.

  12. going_down_leg on

    Yeah but think how much they make the economy? All of these scientists and doctors, it pays off right? Right guys?

  13. PassoverGoblin on

    Even if this statistic wasn’t bullshit, the Tories have had 14 years to do something about this apparent fourteen billion. What on earth is she trying to say??? “We can’t even be racist right, but vote for us anyway”???

  14. Weekly_Reference2519 on

    I think that’s a reasonable price to pay in exchange for the smug sense of superiority I feel when I get to call other people racist for opposing this

  15. knobber_jobbler on

    Even if this is true, the Tories have had 14 years to deal with this. They even pulled us out of the EU, worth £266bn at the time, over migration. Could a Tory voter please explain all of this please?

  16. ManOnNoMission on

    Remember when the current PM wrote off £15billion in covid fraud his department at the time handed at.

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